Gerry Spence Quotes

A man who silently lives by his ethics makes a more profound argument than one who deafens us with his shouting about them.

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Genius is not some fortunate arrangement of brain cells. Genius is energy, only directed energy.

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I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.

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The first trick of the winning argument is the trick of abandoning trickery.

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Our willingness to openly reveal our feelings in our argument nearly always builds our credibility.

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Successful argument unfolds when we have regained the ability to reveal ourselves, to expose our feelings, and simply ask for what we want.

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The words 'It must have been' are magical words that say to the other, "I understand how it was."

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Words that do not create images should be discarded.

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I am not as concerned about choosing the right words as I am in letting the words flow naturally.

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The most effective structure for any argument will always be story.

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A concession coming from your mouth is not nearly as hurtful as an exposure coming from your opponent's.

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The key to opening the other to our arguments is to empower the other to reject us.

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