Steve Pavlina Quotes

Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don't regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don't consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you'll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren't regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground. Just as your muscles automatically atrophy from lack of use, so your courage will automatically decay in the absence of conscious conditioning.

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Fear is not your enemy. It is a compass pointing you to the areas where you need to grow.

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You can choose to temporarily yield control of your life to others, whether it be to a company, a spouse, or simply to the pressures of daily living, but you can never give away your personal responsibility for the results. Whether you assume direct and conscious control over your life or merely react to events as they happen to you, you and you alone must bear the consequences.

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Success isn’t about money or reputation or possessions or anything like that. Success is a decision. That’s all. Success is deciding what you really, truly want and committing yourself to getting it. If you’re making progress toward your desires, you’re successful.

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In order to succeed in life, you have to make two decisions. First, you must decide what you really want. You have to get in touch with your truest, deepest desires, reaching the point where you're able to tune out anyone who would reject you for wanting what you want. Desire must be all the reason you need. Secondly, you must decide that you and you alone will make it happen no matter what.

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A heart filled with love will do more for you than a wallet filled with cash.

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If you aren't working on your goals, you aren't working. You're just wasting time.

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Stop asking "What should I do now?" That question only brings up what others expect of you. The shoulds are nothing but social programming.

Free people don’t have shoulds. They have choices.

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