Quotes on Problems
Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem.
Norman Vincent Peale
You don't earn the right to solve big problems until you have solved the small ones.
Lloyd Conant
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Hannah Moore
Wherever we look upon this earth, the opportunities take shape within the problems.
Nelson Rockefeller
If you isolate your problem from others, your chances of solving it are thin. Problems require wisdom, and wisdom requires perspective. Other people provide that perspective.
Bill Russell
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.
Isaac Asimov
There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve.
Mike Leavitt
Most people run from problems. If you want to get ahead, go to your manager and say, "You got problems? Give me some." Instead of running from problems like most people, go after them. If you do, I'll guarantee, it will change your life! That's the way you get ahead, by solving problems.
Dave Anderson
The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.
Theodore Rubin
The pain of problems is a call to find solutions rather than a reason for unhappiness and inaction, so it's silly, pointless, and harmful to be upset at the problems and choices that come at you (though it's understandable).
Ray Dalio
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If you can stare hard at your problems, they almost always shrink or disappear, because you almost always find a better way of dealing with them than if you don't face them head on. The more difficult the problem, the more important it is that you stare at it and deal with it. After seeing how effectively facing reality – especially your problems, mistakes and weaknesses – works, you will become comfortable with it and won't want to operate any other way. I also believe that one of the best ways of getting at truth is reflecting with others who have opposing views and who share your interest in finding the truth rather than being proven right.
Ray Dalio
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Since the only way you are going to find solutions to painful problems is by thinking deeply about them — i.e., reflecting — if you can develop a knee-jerk reaction to pain that is to reflect rather than to fight or flee, it will lead to your rapid learning/evolving.
Ray Dalio
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Opportunities are merely problems that promise to pay off after sufficient work.
John Walker
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